Information For Parents

What support is there to help my child

Preparation should start early – long before your child becomes an adult.

As part of your son/daughters Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, the Year 9 annual review  and every review after that, will include a focus on preparing for adulthood. This means there should be targets in the EHCP that will help your child to achieve steps towards preparing for future post 16 options. The EHCP will be updated as your child progresses.

When your son/daughter leaves Presfield, they are likely to have some or all of the following options available to them depending on their ability, independence and support needs:

  • Further education at a college or training provider to follow a study programme— Full List here
  • Employment – open, supported or voluntary.
  • Social Care options – community based day activities – this could include day centres, part-time college, social firms, community leisure or sport/fitness activities and supported living/specialist residential care for those who are eligible for services.
  • Apprenticeship– An apprenticeship is a way to gain the skills, knowledge and experience you need to get into many careers. They combine work, training and study, letting you ‘earn while you learn’. Apprenticeships are available across a range of areas. Further information can be found here.
  • Traineeship– Usually a 6 month programme made up of extended work experience working towards qualifications. A traineeship will normally lead to an apprenticeship or work.
  • Supported Internship– Supported Internships are a study programme for learners with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Learners will have a work placement and complete relevant qualifications alongside their placement. 

For more Information contact:

  • Sefton MBC on (0151) 934 2347
  • Southport College on 01704 392 891
  • Hugh Baird College on 0151 353 4444
  • Hugh Baird – Thornton College on 0151 934 4811

Useful websites and contacts:

You can contact a qualified Careers Advisor via text / phone or webchat to discuss careers, courses and finding a job—

Children and young people with SEND and their families may be entitled to additional financial support. The government offers advice on financial help for children and young people on the Learner Support Helpline (0800 121 8989)

  • Thornton College
  • Thornton College is our specialist centre dedicated to providing a caring and supportive environment for young people with learning difficulties and/or physical disabilities in the Liverpool City Region.
  • Arden College
  • Arden College is a specialist day and residential college for students aged 16-25 years with learning difficulties and disabilities providing individual programmes of support either as 38 or 52 week placements for up to three years.
  • The Learning Rooms and Four Seasons
  • The Learning Rooms provides day care provision for adults with disabilities, learning difficulties and additional needs.Four Seasons is a community driven centre run by clients of the Learning Rooms. We provide a safe environment for adults with additional needs to access the world of work whilst selling a range of goods and services for the local community.
  • Bridge Inn community farm
  • We provide training and real life work experience in horticulture, agriculture and care of animals. The farm gives people a real working environment to care for friendly animals, grow crops and be part of a great team.
  • Manna day centre
  • We provide a fun and friendly day service for adults aged 18+ with learning disabilities, those on the autistic spectrum and with mental health needs.
  • 121 Activity Centre
  • At 121 Activity centre we are dedicated to providing our service users with great opportunities to have fun, meet new people, enjoy activities and provide a safe and stimulating environment for them to spend their time .
  • Live to Learn
  • We are a centre for people with additional needs situated in the heart of Southport. We offer clients an opportunity to continue their learning journey at their own pace in a supportive, relaxed environment.
  • Midstream
  • Midstream is committed to providing quality employment and enhanced employment opportunities in a caring environment for young people and adults who who have special needs
  • Activate
  • Activate is a registered Charity that provides personalised educational and vocational programmes for young adults with learning difficulties and disabilities.
  • Autism Initiatives
  • Autism Initiatives has a wealth of resources and expertise that support autistic people to achieve their personal goals.
  • Mencap
  • Mencap’s employment services support people with a learning disability to develop the skills and confidence needed to get a job.