- Exam Entry
The exam officer will inform staff of the entry date for their subject and issue them with a form on which to put their entries. It is the subject leader’s responsibility to complete, sign and date this by the return date stated on the form. It will be the responsibility of the year 11 form tutor to check the candidates’ statements of entries with their students. A copy will be sent home to notify parents/carers of entries.
We will advise of the fees charged should a candidate wish to re-enter a qualification.
- External Exams
The exam officer is responsible for the organisation and conduct of all exams.
- Pupils will be provided with a written letter giving their examination times – this will be signed by parents and returned to school.
- All exam papers will be counted in by the exam officer and stored securely.
- The exam officer is responsible for organising the exam room and setting it out to meet the JCQ requirements. This will include compiling a seating plan, ensuring that all equipment, candidate numbers, notices and regulatory booklets are in place.
- The subject leader will be present at the start of each subject exam where possible to identify the students.
- No exam papers will be removed from the room before the end of the exam.
- All exams will be conducted according to the rules laid down by exam boards and within the start and finish times determined by the board.
- At the end of the exam the papers will be collected and given to the exam officer or Head teacher.
- Access Arrangements
The exam officer will make arrangements for GCSE candidates who may be eligible for readers to be seen by the Educational Psychologist to report on their reading age/rate. The exam officer will also be notified of any additional access arrangements they may require such as scribes, practical assistants, rest breaks, enlarged or modified papers. However, all need to be made aware that it has to be their way of working all the time.
- Invigilation
The exam officer will ensure that each exam session will have a designated invigilator. The invigilator in charge will:
- Check the attendance register.
- Display the starting time and finishing time of the exam.
- Ensure that students do not bring into the exam any pencil cases or other belongings.
- Ensure that they sign a confidentiality form.
- Results
- Results will be available on the day specified by the exam boards. The Headteacher/ exam officer will take phone calls or post details of their results.
- If a result is queried the exam officer will investigate the feasibility of asking for a re-mark.
- Appeals
Presfield High School is committed to ensuring that whenever their staff assesses students’ work for external qualification; this is done fairly, consistently and in accordance with the specification for the qualifications concerned. The school is committed to ensuring that assessment evidence provided by candidates is produced and authenticated according to the requirements of the relevant specifications of each subject. Each Awarding Body publishes procedures for appeals against its decisions, and the Examinations Officer will be able to advise students and parents of these procedures.
Please see our exam policy for further details.
- Important Information for Candidates
- Important Information for Candidates
Regulations for the conduct of assessments and examinations are overseen by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). All candidates need to be aware of the regulations affecting their behaviour and responsibilities whilst completing a qualification. Please click the link to read the documentation.