

Presfield High School is committed to providing all pupils with a full-time education experience that maximes each pupil’s opportunities and allows each to realise their true potential.  We believe that if a pupil is to benefit from education, good attendance is crucial. We believe that all students should be achieving at least 95% attendance and our school will actively promote and encourage 100% attendance for all our pupils. If your child has 95% attendance at the end of Autumn term this means they have missed 24 lessons. If this pattern continued for the next two terms it will mean they will have missed 72 lessons within the year.

The school will give high priority to communicating with parents and pupils the importance of regular and punctual attendance. We recognise that parents have a vital role to play and that there is a need to establish strong home-school links and communication systems that can be utilised whenever there is concern about attendance.

If there are problems which affect a pupils attendance we will investigate, identify and strive, in partnership with parents and pupils, to resolve those problems as quickly as possible.


Parents/Carers whose child is absent are required to contact the school on the first day of absence, before 8.30 a.m. If no contact or message has been received from the parent/carer then school will contact home to ascertain the reason for the absence. If no contact or message has been recieved within a 48 hour period then school may contact the Attendance and Welfare service.

Further information can be found in our Whole School Attendance Policy.